Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dear Sunday,

How I love you and hate to see you go so soon.

Thanks for giving me the time I need that the rest of the week just won't allow. You allow me to tumble out of bed at my leisure and I never feel guilty for however much coffee I may consume or how long it takes me to read the paper. Sunday, your the best time ever to go to the record shop and peruse endlessly and Andy and I are never disappointed when we leave the thrift empty handed. Unlike your dreaded counterpart Monday, you fill me with illusions of grandeur for all the things I might get done. Like getting a half assed start in on hanging the oodles of artwork I have horded away.

Or day dreaming about these amazing tea sets from Misiak (I really love the aqua one) who makes old teapots new again, and you can see these amazing dittys have a very colorful past. I would defiantly have more Sunday tea parties with these. Well, my sweet. It's almost time to bid you ado, Andy are preparing to watch movies, order take out and be as consistently lazy as we've been all day. Until we meet again, dear Sunday. See ya in six days.

Lovingly yours,



natha perkins said...

I've never seen it put into such eloquent words..ah, Sunday, you're my good friend as well..

Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Love this post..well said all around and the photo is divine.